Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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Text File
159 lines
·\ ____ __ ...
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_ _\\__\\_\ \_\ \\\· \/ \//..[............................: :..: :..: :
_____ ___________ _____ ______ _____ _________·
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| / ___ /-\\/ \ _ / \ \____/__ \ \/_ |\ ___ / |
|_____ \// _____|_____/ /_______ /____ / ___\\/ _____|
· ... . . . . . . . . \\\ az0!/sea
: : :...............//\ ·\\ |_____________
:.: / ¯¯/\ \·\ |____________( O H E M A
¯¯ / \ \·
¯¯¯¯ \ i n f O :
musiquelabeldedicatedto TiTLE ----------------------- iso[lation]
allminimaldrumnbassjung ARTiST ---------------------- XBALL+PROTAS
lebreakbeatgoapsychedel SiZE/FORMAT -------------------------- 601k/mod
ictranceacidtechnoelekt DURATiON ------------------------------ 3'41
rotriphophousenudiskolo RELEASE DATE ------------------------ 26.04.2000
vers.. mainlybasedonpol NUMBER ------------------------------- 016
ishamigascenemusiciansb STYLE ---------------- trip-hoppy ambient
IN SHORT: yeah... fuckin' grasshopper.. what?
no? ok, just a weedhopper? hmmm....
i can't hear you, you're so
incomprehension. let me try to
understand you... hey! what are you
laughin' at? stupid fucker.. how
much time do you really think
on your own, hm? just try to be
yourself. you don't need to be like
no one else._ ---------------- bO2K
N------E---W----------S---------------------------- -------- -- ------- --
EFFRON became part of our family, welcome mate!
We're here! - HTTP://WWW.BOHEMA.SILESIANET.PL - check this shite out =)
M---E--M-----B--E-------R--L----I----S-------T------- ---------- -- ------
CiE ------------------ thilohero@gmx.de -------------------------- musique
DAZE ----------------- dazee@friko6.onet.pl ---------------------- musique
EFFRON --------------- afro@amiga.scene.hu ----------------------- musique
PROTAS --------------- protas2@priv2.onet.pl --------------------- musique
OTTON ---------------- bohema@poczta.fm -------------------------- musique
SPEKTRA -------------- looque@polbox.com ------------------------- musique
TZX ------------------ bohema@poczta.fm -------------------------- musique
WHiSKAS -------------- daniel_hansen@hotmail.com ----------------- musique
XBALL ---------------- dzieci@kki.net.pl ------------------------- musique
EVAN ----------------- evandcs@mail.com -------- staff chief, supa spreada
PESTi ---------------- radek_s@poczta.fm ------------------ staff, homeboy
D----I-S-----T---R------I--------B---U------T--I-O-----N------ ---- -- ---
the most convenient way of gettin' our releases is subscription to our
mailing list. there are two kinds, choose one that will suit you best:
BINARIES LIST ----- send blank e-mail to bohema-files-subscribe@egroups.com
and you'll get new releases (up to 1,0mb) as e-mail attachment (zip)
ANNOUNCE LIST -- send blank e-mail to bohema-announce-subscribe@egroups.com
and you'll get text file with release description only
you can also easily subscribe by fillin' small form on our webpage:
or get bOhema releases from the following ftp sites:
ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/groups/bohema/ ------------------- scene.org
ftp://acid2.stack.nl/pub/scene.org/music/groups/bohema/ ------------ acid2
ftp://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/ftp/aminet/pub/mods/techn/ ---- aminet (no mp3)
C-----O------N--T---A-----C----T---------- -------- --- -------- --- -----
all feedback, suggestions, fucks, guest release or joining offers
should be dropped here: bohema@poczta.fm
or using snailmail:
box 23
pl-37450 stalowa wola 7
------------------- - ----------- -------- ------------------- --- -------
: :
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.. : : : : : : : : : : .. \ __\ / /·/ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _
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_____ _____ _______ _______________________ _________________
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/// _. ... . . . . . . . .az0!/sea
[ H I S T O R Y ] a bit of S T O R Y //· /\\..: :.. ... ... ... ... ... .
/·/ /\¯¯ \ :.: : : : : : : :.:
·/ / \ ¯¯ :.: : : :.:
ALL bOhema RELEASES: / ¯¯¯¯ :.:
NO. TiTLE ------------------- ARTiST -------- GENRE -------- DUR. - FORMAT
001 kln_subnobous_9-3 ------- spektra ------- minimal ------- 4'25 ---- mod
002 low-calorie ------------- protas -------- house --------- 3'40 ----- xm
003 atheist on deathbed ----- tzx ----------- minimal ------- 4'37 ---- mod
004 nu disko lover ---------- silvija ------- nudisko ------- 3'14 ---- mp3
005 euro clubing_beat ------- spektra ------- house --------- 4'21 ----- xm
006 my left ear ------------- whiskas ------- lo-fi --------- 2'50 ----- xm
007 mastiff-kanoo ----------- otton --------- minimal ------- 6'54 ---- dbm
008 kernkraft --------------- teo ----------- acid techno --- 5'05 ---- mod
009 deeply souls injunction - xball --------- trance -------- 5'31 ----- xm
010 girl on da level -------- n.abdul+tzx --- minimal ------- 5'36 ---- mod
011 sd_433 ------------------ spektra ------- drum'n'bass --- 4'53 ---- mod
012 euqit'esuoh [ep] -------- xball/spektra - house -------- 12'18 - xm/mod
013 seven16 [raw-rmx] ------- effron -------- acid/tech ----- 7'00 ---- dbm
014 agorafobia -------------- tzx ----------- minimal ------- 4'34 ---- mod
015 nuaa sau ---------------- spektra ------- industrial ---- 3'19 ---- dbm
016 iso[lation] ------------- xball+protas -- chill/out ----- 3'41 ---- mod
[ b O h e m a G U E S T A P P E A R A N C E S ]
silvija + teo + noisy abdul + effron
----- --------------------- ----------------- -- ----- ------------ -------
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· \\\ az0!/sea __ /
: .... ...........//\ ·\\ ________________________________________ __ /·
:..: :.: / ¯¯/\ \·\ /·/
¯¯ / \ \· g r e e t i n g s & r e s p e c t s ·//|
¯¯¯¯ ¯ \ -------------------------------------//|¯|
¯¯ n o s p e c i a l o r d e r /|¯| |
¯| ÷-'
monar -- most valuable playaz -- fridge -- tokyo dawn records ÷-'
supraphone -- hash records -- pic saint loup -- theralite |
voodoo -- black sista -- mono -- rno -- up'rough -- da jormas |
milk -- phase'd -- dzieci oazy -- reaper records -- fm |
sunlikamelo-d -- rebound -- level-d -- total eclipse -- miasmah |
. |
:...\/\/\/\/ iNFO FiLE DESiGN by evan'bOhema; ASCii by azzaro'sea |
[c] bOhema recOrds 2000. all rights reserved